Like the stories, poems, and images in PDR? Help us keep this free, open access magazine going.
We’re trying to raise $500 in sixty days. This will pay for approximately 20 months on a fast and reliable server to host the magazine and our website. We put out an issue every six months, so that pays for three issues plus the extra content we add to the site–we featured an interview with Miranda July in May, for example.
We don’t have any outside sources of funding; it’s all out-of-pocket. We started by hosting the magazine on a budget server, but our readers told us they couldn’t always get to the site–it took forever to load, or the server kept crashing. The service provider we were using was even the subject of a denial of service attack by a malicious hacker that disrupted our site for several days.
To promote the work we admire–from Pulitzer Prize winners to the never-before-published–and to reach our readers, we needed a more reliable web hosting service. We’ve made the switch but it’s costing us more money than we have. All the work we put into the magazine doesn’t mean much if readers don’t have reliable access to issues.
We hope you’ll consider helping us reach our goal by clicking here or on the “donate” button on the top left of the main menu. Thanks for your support and for reading the magazine!