Nonfiction by Annabel Gill
Download “Frances” by Annabel Gill
Your neighbor was looking for you. She’d said you were missing. At the word “missing” I had an unexpected sensation: extraordinary relief. You were gone. I was free of you. You had disappeared into nothing just like a bubble, and I was alone with the great house, with the hills, with the Scottish summer light, and no longer subject to you. My first-class honors degree that had meant so much to you would vanish into irrelevance, and my stilted, self-taught propriety along with it. You had left me alone with the beauty that you had spent your life making, but now free of you in it.
Annabel Gill graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2005. She moved back to Massachusetts in 2008 and is now co-editor of The Inman Review. Her work has appeared in that publication and in Freak Flag. She is currently completing a novel.