
How to Sex Yourself

by Gabrielle Reeve

First you will need to be born. You will come into this world to find you have something important that may make you like me and half the human race. Or it may make you like the other half. The half that wear it outside like a sword and a rocket and a car and a gun and the Empire State Building. This genital crapshoot is a fifty-fifty proposition. Good luck.

Morning Sickness

by Olga M. Feliciano

Hector stands at his stoop. One hand shades the sun; the other arm hugs his coatless body. His eyes are small as raisins behind his glasses. He kisses my forehead and pulls me close. His sweater smells of lemon soap. I turn away. “Your face is cold,” I say.

“Well I’ve been out here a while. You know, you just missed Mami by like fifteen minutes.”

“What luck,” I say.

Men Like Us

Fiction by Gregory Tebbano

Download “Men Like Us” by Gregory Tebbano

His black car is parked awkwardly in a throng of people where no cars are allowed. He’s really dressed too, in a sharp suit, but there is sweat on his neck and he looks unnerved, like an ambassador who has just escaped an assassination attempt.

Second Team

Fiction by Edwin M. Steckevicz

Download “Second Team” by Edwin Steckevicz

Last night I drove through a snowstorm to play basketball with my son. It’s thirty miles from my house to this weekly game at the university, and when I get there I use an alias. He doesn’t know I’m his father. We shake hands, slap each other on the butt after a good play – nothing special. Before last night we’d never had a conversation. 

How to Sex Yourself

Fiction by Gabrielle Reeve

Download “How to Sex Yourself” by Gabrielle Reeve.

First you will need to be born. You will come into this world to find you have something important that may make you like me and half the human race. Or it may make you like the other half. The half that wear it outside like a sword and a rocket and a car and a gun and the Empire State Building. This genital crapshoot is a fifty-fifty proposition. Good luck.
