So, we have lots to tell you:
- As of today, we’re officially open to submissions of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art. Check our submissions page for section guidelines and to access our online submission form.
- On Friday, we interviewed writer, performing artist, and filmmaker Miranda July about her latest project. You can listen to the interview here.
- Our site has been slowing down or crashing sometimes–our budget webserver just isn’t cutting it anymore. We’ve launched a campaign through IndieGogo; we’re trying to raise $500 in 120 days to trade up to a server that doesn’t crash all the time. We hope you’ll spread the word and if you’re flush, maybe consider contributing.
- Bostonians, we’re planning a launch party for May or June. We’re thinking a bar; a radical marching band; readings from contributors; and free swag like PDR T-shirts, buttons, and hand-printed broadsides. How does that sound?